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    李信仪 讲师
    时间:2021年11月30日 16:31 点击:












[1] 建筑能耗模拟

[2] 既有建筑节能改造

[3] 建筑能耗基准及定额

[4] 区域建筑能耗及碳排放模型

[5] 基于机器学习的建筑能耗预测

[6] 全生命周期碳排放分析


2009/09-2013/07 重庆大学 建筑环境与设备工程本科/学士

2010/09-2013/07 重庆大学 金融学本科/学士

2013/03-2013/03 广东省建筑设计研究院 实习暖通设计师

2014/09-2018/12 重庆大学 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程研究生/博士

2014/10-2015/04 英国雷丁大学 助理研究员

2016/01-2017/01 英国雷丁大学 研究员

2019/05-2021/06 英国谢菲尔德大学 博士后研究员

2021/11-现在 海南大学美高梅 建筑系教师


[1] High Fidelity Energy Monitoring through IoT, Research England's Connecting Capability Fund (英国研究与创新部门项目)主研

[2] CORONA: City Observatory Research platfOrm for iNnovation and Analytics, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (英国工程和自然科学研究委员会项目)主研

[3] 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(NSFC-RCUK_EPSRC)“基于气候响应和建筑耦合的低碳城市供暖供冷方法与机理研究”(项目批准号:51561135002、EP/N009797/1) 1300万,2015-2018,主研

[4] 十三五国家重点研发计划项目“长江流域建筑供暖空调解决方案和相应系统”(课题编号:2016YFC0700301)4500万元,2016-2020. 主研

[5] Annex 61 Business and technical concept for deep energy retrofits of public buildings, International Energy Agency (国际能源署项目) 主研

[6] 科技部项目“高原室内外环境与畜牧污染控制技术研究与示范”(课题编号:2013BAJ03B05)参加

[7] School indoor environment and ventilation control strategies for children's health and wellbeing, Halton Foundation (Halton基金会项目) 参加

[8] The impact of ambient air pollution on indoor environment in China: Evaluation of a practical intervention, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Institute of International Education of US (国际教育协会项目) 参加

[9] Research Cooperation in Renewable Energy Technologies for Electricity Generation (REELCOOP), European Commission (欧盟项目) 参加


[1] Li X, Densley Tingley D., Solid wall insulation of the Victorian house stock in England: a whole life carbon perspective, Building and environment, 2021;191: 107595 (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 4.971)

[2] Li X, Yao R. Modelling heating and cooling energy demand for building stock using a hybrid approach. Energy and Buildings. 2021;235. 110740. (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 4.495)

[3] Li X, Yao R. A machine-learning-based approach to predict residential annual space heating and cooling loads considering occupant behaviour, Energy, 2020;212:118676. (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 6.082,他引次数:1)

[4] Li X, Yao R, Yu W, Meng X, Liu M, Short A, et al. Low carbon heating and cooling of residential buildings in cities in the hot summer and cold winter zone - A bottom-up engineering stock modeling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019;220:271-88. (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 6.395,他引次数:10)

[5] Li X, Yao R, Liu M, Costanzo V, Yu W, Wang W, et al. Developing urban residential reference buildings using clustering analysis of satellite images. Energy and Buildings. 2018;169:417-29. (期刊论文, SCI, IF=4.495,他引次数:15)

[6] Li X, Yao R, Li Q, Ding Y, Li B. An object-oriented energy benchmark for the evaluation of the office building stock. Utilities Policy. 2018;51:1-11.(期刊论文, SCI, IF=2.417,他引次数:12)

[7] 李信仪,王晗,喻伟,刘猛,姚润明.重庆地区既有居住建筑低能耗改造策略初探[J].暖通空调,2019,49(04):49-55+132.(期刊论文,核心)

Costanzo V, Yao R, Li X, Liu M, Li B. A multi-layer approach for estimating the energy use intensity on an urban scale. Cities. 2019;95:102467.(期刊论文, SCI, IF= 3.853,他引次数:1)

[8] Yao R, Costanzo V, Li X, Zhang Q, Li B. The effect of passive measures on thermal comfort and energy conservation. A case study of the hot summer and cold winter climate in the Yangtze River region. Journal of Building Engineering. 2018;15:298-310.(期刊论文, SCI, IF=2.378,他引次数:38)

[9] Du C, Li B, Yu W, Cai J, Wang L, Li X, et al. Evaluating the effect of building construction periods on household dampness/mold and childhood diseases corresponding to different energy efficiency design requirements. Indoor Air. 2021;31(2):541-56. (期刊论文, SCI, IF= 4.739)

[10] Yao R, Han S, Li X, Shahrestani M, Li B. Evaluation of building retrofit strategies in different climate zones. ASHRAE 2016 Winter Conference. Orlando, FL2016. p. 289-99.(会议论文, SCI)

[11] Li X, Li Q, Li B, Yao R. An Investigation on Energy Consumption of Public Buildings in Chongqing, China. In: Heiselberg PK, editor. CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress. Aalborg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering.2016.(会议论文)

[12] Yao R, Li X, Han S, Li B, Lin C. An Analysis of Energy Efficient Retrofit Strategies for Office Buildings in China. CIBSE Technical Symposium. Edinburgh, UK 14-15 April.2016.(会议论文)


Embodied carbon feasibility study of Carpenters Estate tower blocks, ECD architects (咨询)


[1]“An investigation on energy consumption of public buildings in Chongqing, China” Given at CLIMA 2016 - 12th REHVA World Congress, 22-25 May 2016, Aalborg, Denmark

[2]“Deep energy retrofit: Building retrofit strategies in China” Given at CIBSE Technical Symposium 2016 - 'Integration for whole life building performance', 14-15 April 2016, Edinburgh, UK

[3]“A study of building retrofit methods in China” Given at 14th UK CARE Annual General Meeting, 29 November, 2014, Bristol, UK



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